Principal's Welcome

I am delighted that you are considering joining Long Road Sixth 
Form College. We are a friendly, inclusive college, and we will welcome you into our community from the moment you make an application to study with us.

We understand that the move from school can sometimes feel a 
little daunting. Don’t worry - we make sure you have individual support throughout your time with us, to ensure a smooth transition and to get the most out of college life. At Long Road, you’ll learn in a mature, university-style setting (no bells or uniforms) at our lovely green campus, where we will help you gain the knowledge and skills to thrive here, and in the future. 

We are experts in 16-19 education. Our students are successful because our teachers are truly committed subject specialists. We recognise every student is unique and provide the support that’s right for you. As our many Ofsted inspections have demonstrated, Long Road has a long and proud history of supporting students to achieve their very best. All too soon you’ll be thinking of your next move, and we will help you with that too, highlighting all the many different paths you could take.  We don’t assume one route is right for everyone.

Our goal is your success. We want you to leave Long Road proud of what you have contributed and achieved; ready to make a positive difference in the world. 

I look forward to meeting you soon. 

My very best wishes,