Music in the Marquee

This year, due to COVID restrictions, we were unable to put on our usual summer performance to an audience in The Studio. So instead, we headed to the college marquee in glorious sunshine on the evening of July 2nd and played to each other and a small number of staff.
The performers were our Year 1 Music and Musical Theatre students, and they gave us a great hour of music and dance covering a range of styles from rock to jazz and hip hop to soul. There were three sets from each of our Year 1 Music bands linked with short extracts of musical theatre which the students have been rehearsing for the last few weeks. It was so good to be able to perform again, albeit in rather different circumstances to a normal year, and we are excited to see what these students achieve when they return to college in September.
Special thanks to Chris Seaman and Jonathan Armitage for the live sound and to Sam Gamble for the videos!