SFCA Art Exhibition 2024

Congratulations to Raine Gent on having their artwork 'Flying High' being featured in the SFCA Art Exhibition 2024, Living the Dream.
This year, the next generation of talented young artists reflect on the people, events and places that have brought joy and delight to their lives. What makes us feel like we are Living the Dream? What does Living the Dream feel like?
There are people we meet, things we do and places we go, that make our hearts sing, whether a gentle melody or a full choral crescendo. They can be obviously delightful or surprisingly ordinary. But they have a particular significance and an importance, fleeting or long-lasting, in our lives. Students’ work might depict actual people, events and places, or it might represent a more abstract expression of how it feels to be Living the Dream.
Sixth form colleges represent a vital supply pipeline of the professional artists of the future, and this is their platform to stimulate our thinking about the wonders of the world we live in, to remind us of why the arts matter, to showcase their skills, and to convey their views and feelings.
This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the arts and advance their place in the curriculum, and their importance in our lives. It is also a time to recognise excellence in sixth form colleges and the talent, creativity and sensitivity of the students. It is imperative that we keep the arts in education secure and flourishing. If young people are to make a truly valuable contribution to society, even if they are to be successful scientists, engineers, doctors and technicians, they need to develop their creative skills, their artistic sensitivities and their ability to communicate and interact with others.
Click here to view the full exhibition.