Teacher Ambassador Programme, UK Parliament
Congratulations to Gavin, our Course Team Leader for A Level Politics, who earlier this summer was successfully selected and took part in the Teacher Ambassador programme for the UK Parliament!!
Westminster Terrace
Westminster Terrace
WestminsterTerrace.JPG1850Westminster TerraceWestminster TerraceLayla Moran
Layla Moran
LaylaMoran27thJune.JPG1849Layla MoranLayla MoranOn the Commons Terrace
On the Commons Terrace
OntheCommonsTerrace.JPG1842On the Commons TerraceOn the Commons TerraceStanding in for the BSL interpreter at the Broadcasting Unit
Standing in for the BSL interpreter at the Broadcasting Unit
StandinginfortheBSLinterpreterattheBroadcastingUnit.JPG1843Standing in for the BSL interpreter at the Broadcasting UnitStanding in for the BSL interpreter at the Broadcasting UnitThe Elizabeth Tower
The Elizabeth Tower
TheElizabethTower.JPG1844The Elizabeth TowerThe Elizabeth TowerThe Lord Speaker The Rt (Hon) Lord McFall of Alcluith
The Lord Speaker The Rt (Hon) Lord McFall of Alcluith
TheLordSpeakerTheRtHon)LordMcFallofAlcluith.jpg1845The Lord Speaker The Rt (Hon) Lord McFall of AlcluithThe Lord Speaker The Rt (Hon) Lord McFall of AlcluithThe Palace of Westminster approaching Central Lobby
The Palace of Westminster approaching Central Lobby
ThePalaceofWestminsterapproachingCentralLobby.JPG1846The Palace of Westminster approaching Central LobbyThe Palace of Westminster approaching Central LobbyWith members of the Education Unit for the Ukrainian Parliament
With members of the Education Unit for the Ukrainian Parliament
WithmembersoftheEducationUnitfortheUkrainianParliament.JPG1847With members of the Education Unit for the Ukrainian ParliamentWith members of the Education Unit for the Ukrainian ParliamentWith the Commons Speaker Sir Lyndsay Hoyle
With the Commons Speaker Sir Lyndsay Hoyle
WiththeCommonsSpeakerSirLyndsayHoyle26thJune2023.jpg1848With the Commons Speaker Sir Lyndsay HoyleWith the Commons Speaker Sir Lyndsay Hoyle