Arbury Carnival 2023 Poster Competition
Our Graphic Design students have once again done an amazing job designing posters for Arbury Carnival. Many thanks once again to the Arbury Carnival Committee for running this competition with our students, we look forward to working with you again next year!
Ash Bruce
digital drawing a stone coloured dragons face
AshBruce.jpg1737Ash Brucedigital drawing a stone coloured dragons faceCharlie Hopwood-Clarke
digital drawing of florescent mushrooms on dark purple background
CharlieHopwood-Clarke.jpg1738Charlie Hopwood-Clarkedigital drawing of florescent mushrooms on dark purple backgroundChloe Dalla-Libera
digital drawing of a purple witches cauldron with green bubbling liquid
ChloeDalla-Libera.jpg1739Chloe Dalla-Liberadigital drawing of a purple witches cauldron with green bubbling liquidElla Smith
digital drawing of a cloaked wizard holding a lantern
EllaSmith.jpg1740Ella Smithdigital drawing of a cloaked wizard holding a lanternEve Kellythorn
digital drawing of a purple skinned woman holding a ball of light
EveKellythorn.jpeg1741Eve Kellythorndigital drawing of a purple skinned woman holding a ball of lightLauelynRevita
digital drawing of a black cat wearing a witches hat and bat wings, holding a wooden wand and
LauelynRevita.jpg1742LauelynRevitadigital drawing of a black cat wearing a witches hat and bat wings, holding a wooden wand andLucyChau
digital drawing od the silhouette of a witch on a broomstick flying across a blue sky, leaving a rainbow trail
LucyChau.jpg1743LucyChaudigital drawing od the silhouette of a witch on a broomstick flying across a blue sky, leaving a rainbow trailRebeccaParr
digital drawing of a stag skull with large antlers infront of a full moon
RebeccaParr.jpg1744RebeccaParrdigital drawing of a stag skull with large antlers infront of a full moonTessWoods
digital drawing of a cat with bat eats and thangs
TessWoods.png1745TessWoodsdigital drawing of a cat with bat eats and thangsZoeOlano
digital drawing of a crystal ball surrounded by hands, showing a ferris wheel and circus tent inside
ZoeOlano.jpg1746ZoeOlanodigital drawing of a crystal ball surrounded by hands, showing a ferris wheel and circus tent inside