Apprenticeship Fair 2023
On Wednesday 8th February 2023, we held an apprenticeships fair as part of National Apprenticeships Week. The hall was packed with over 750 students, eager to find out more about apprenticeships, a way to learn and earn at the same time. We were lucky to have representatives from 21 different employers - thank you to everyone who attended!
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Wates.jpg1247WatesA group of people standing around a table Description automatically generatedPapworth
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Papworth.jpg1246PapworthA group of people standing in a room Description automatically generatedIllumina
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Illumina.jpg1245IlluminaA person and person standing next to a table Description automatically generatedGrantThornton
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A group of people standing around a table Description automatically generated
CRC.jpg1242CRCA group of people standing around a table Description automatically generatedCoulson
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Coulson.jpg1241CoulsonA group of people standing around a table Description automatically generatedAstraZeneca
A group of people standing around a table Description automatically generated
AstraZeneca.jpg1240AstraZenecaA group of people standing around a table Description automatically generated