Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
Last week, over 50 Applied Sport students attended an elite sport insight session led by Matt Walker who is the current Head of Performance at Cambridge United Football Club (CUFC).
Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
students lying on their sides in a row
DSC00090.JPG1096Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCstudents lying on their sides in a rowElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
male teacher sat on chair in front of class demonstrating stretches
DSC00088.JPG1094Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCmale teacher sat on chair in front of class demonstrating stretchesElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
male teacher stood in front of class demonstrating stretches
DSC00087.JPG1093Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCmale teacher stood in front of class demonstrating stretchesElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
male teacher laying on their side in front of the class demonstrating stretches
DSC00091.JPG1092Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCmale teacher laying on their side in front of the class demonstrating stretchesElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
performance coach Matt Walker talking to large class of students
DSC00082.JPG1088Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCperformance coach Matt Walker talking to large class of studentsElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
Students doing press-ups
DSC00095.JPG1098Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCStudents doing press-upsElite Sport Insight Session with CUFC
Students doing sit-up's
DSC00097.JPG1100Elite Sport Insight Session with CUFCStudents doing sit-up's