Strawberry Fair design competition winners
Our Graphic Design students have once again been working with the organisers of Strawberry Fair in a competition to design t-shirts and badges to be sold at this year's event.
A black shirt with red and green text on it Description automatically generated
ZoeOlano-winner.png2516ZoeOlano-winnerA black shirt with red and green text on it Description automatically generatedstrawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage5
A two logos with text and numbers Description automatically generated
strawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage5.jpg2515strawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage5A two logos with text and numbers Description automatically generatedstrawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage4
A logo of a strawberry Description automatically generated
strawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage4.jpg2514strawberryfairlongroadwinnersPage4A logo of a strawberry Description automatically generatedMarzPetrou-winner
A button with a picture of a strawberry Description automatically generated
MarzPetrou-winner.png2513MarzPetrou-winnerA button with a picture of a strawberry Description automatically generatedLucyChau-runnerup
A button with a picture of strawberries and text Description automatically generated
LucyChau-runnerup.png2512LucyChau-runnerupA button with a picture of strawberries and text Description automatically generated