Clean Campus Competition
Earlier this year, Site Officer Yaz set our Graphic Design students the live brief to design anti-littering posters to help us all keep our campus clean. Congratulations to competition winners Rebecca Parr, Ella Smith & Charlie Hopwood on designing these striking posters for use across our college campus.
Rebecca Parr - 1st Place
RebeccaParr.png1981Rebecca Parr - 1st PlaceElla Smith - 2nd Place
ellaSmith.jpg1982Ella Smith - 2nd PlaceCharlie Hopwood Clarke - 3rd Place
CharlieHopwoodClarke.png1983Charlie Hopwood Clarke - 3rd PlaceIsla Williams
Islawilliams2.JPG1984Isla WilliamsLaurelyn Revita
LaurelynRevita.jpg1985Laurelyn RevitaZoe Olano
ZoeOlano.jpg1986Zoe Olano